What Does BZ Mean?

Bravo Zulu when conveyed by flaghoist, morse code, or voice comms at the end of a mission means Well Done. It was introduced between allied forces in World War II.

This blog is a BZ to you.





How To Manage PPE & COVID-19 Response Equipment Stockpiles

Stockpile management is an important task for COVID-19 response. Response organizations need to track supply levels of their PPE, respiratory equipment and other general equipment to ensure they have the required levels of resources to respond effectively. Here's how D4H Equipment Management can help.

The equipment management platform captures important details for each item of equipment:

  • Location
  • Make and model
  • Status - operational or non-operational
  • An image of the item
  • Quantities for items stored in batches
  • Weight
  • Value

A map view of equipment feature enables you to visually browse your equipment by map to get a geographical sense of how your equipment is spread out throughout your region, enabling you to ensure you have sufficient supply levels of PPE at every one of your locations.

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Track expiry dates for your equipment and select how far in advance you need to be notified of upcoming expirations. You call also pull up a report to see what equipment is due to expire before a given date and plan accordingly.

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Some items of your COVID-19 response equipment may need regular inspections, you can set these up and receive reminders on your dashboard and by email. When completed, these inspections will be audited on to the item. You can generate a PDF for any item of equipment that will detail its full history of repairs, service records, movements between stockpile locations, or if it was deployed out.


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