
Tareas y listas de verificación

The easiest way to assign & track incident actions to completion.

Create customizable task lists, assign responsibilities, track progress, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks during an emergency. By creating tailored task boards for various scenarios, you improve coordination, accountability, and efficiency throughout incidents, emergencies, and events.

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Centralized Task Management:  Consolidate all tasks in one place, eliminating the need for scattered spreadsheets, calls, emails, and text messages.
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor task boards to specific incident types or operational procedures.
  • Clear Assignments: Assign tasks to individuals or roles, ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Monitor task progress in real-time with intuitive visual indicators.
  • Customizable Forms: Capture detailed information for each task, including descriptions, priorities, due dates, and assignees.
  • Checklists: Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps for easier tracking and completion.
  • Integration with Other Features: Link tasks to forms, status boards, and other D4H features for a seamless workflow.
  • Pre-Loaded Collections:  Store and reuse pre-made task boards for common scenarios.
  • Task Integration with Map: Display tasks on the incident map for geographical context and situational awareness.
  • Filtering and Export Options: Filter task boards, print to PDF, and export tasks to a spreadsheet for detailed reporting and analysis.

Incluido con


Gestión de incidentes

Cree fácilmente una imagen operativa común, comunique los objetivos y colabore en una resolución mediante formularios, tareas, registros, mapas y paneles de estado.

Preguntas frecuentes

How can I use D4H Tasks & Checklists for my specific emergency management needs?

D4H Tasks & Checklists are highly flexible and customizable. You can create task boards for various purposes, such as initial response actions, resource requests, or damage assessments. You can also tailor task forms and checklists to capture the specific information you need.

How do Tasks & Checklists improve team collaboration during an incident?

By providing a centralized platform for task management, D4H enhances transparency and communication within your team. Everyone can see what tasks need to be done, who is responsible for them, and their current status.

How do Task Boards work?

Task Boards contain lists of tasks that progress through a customizable workflow. Each task is supported by a configurable form that captures essential details. Task boards can be tailored to various scenarios, providing a structured approach to managing emergency and crisis management activities.

What types of Task Boards can I create?

You can create Task Boards for any scenario, here are some examples:

  • Immediate Actions
  • Critical Services
  • Requests
  • Rescue Checklist
  • Initial Response Task List
  • EOC Tasks
  • Search Assignments
  • Security Tasks
  • Pre-Deployment Checklist

Can I display tasks on the map?

Yes, you can display tasks on the incident map within the Operations Center. This feature provides geographical context and enhances situational awareness by showing the locations of tasks relative to the incident area.

Can I filter and export tasks?

You can filter items in the log and task board to focus on specific tasks. Additionally, you can print the task board to PDF or export tasks to a spreadsheet for detailed reporting and analysis.