¿Qué significa BZ?

Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Este blog es un BZ para ti.





D4H is Now a Climate Positive Workforce

We're delighted to announce that we've made some big changes and are now a climate positive workforce!

Last month, we joined the climate crisis movement and signed up to offset our company’s entire carbon footprint. So far, we’ve planted 263 trees in our forest and contributed 11.67 tonnes of carbon reduction.

With the help of Ecologi, here are the steps we’re taking:

Employee carbon footprints offset

Every one of our staff members has become climate positive. We’re offsetting their entire carbon footprint, including emissions from their home, personal travel, holidays, food, hobbies, and more.

People walking in office PWBHJAE compressor

All business travel offset

We try to avoid all unnecessary travel, however, some business trips are unavoidable. In these cases, we offset 100% of business travel.

Defocused silhouettes of business people traveling EJ9FXLQ compressor

Planting trees & funding climate projects

We’ll be contributing to funding the world’s best climate crisis solutions. Every month, we will be planting groves of trees in our D4H forest, and financing carbon reduction projects from around the world.

Two projects we’ve supported this month are Forest plantation on degraded grassland in Uruguay and Delivering clean drinking water to Haiti.

IMG 0383

Photo credit: Eden Reforestation Projects and Ecologi.


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