New Features: Bulk Costings, Mileage Exports, Collapsable Fields
The following features have been added to D4H Personnel & Training, D4H Equipment Management, and D4H Incident Reporting.
Collapsable Fields
Custom field bundles are now collapsable across D4H, and we’ll remember your preferences between sessions. This means that if a section of a personal profile, equipment record, or activity detail does not important to you personally, you can hide it. To hide a section, click on the bundle title and it will just collapse.

Health & Safety Report Attachments
You can now attach supporting information, images, and documents, to your health & safety reports. In the next release, we will be adding further permission restrictions to block these attachments from being viewed unless you have specific access to Health & Safety reports, even if you can see secured data.

Last 3 Equipment Records
We have sped up the loading of equipment item pages by reducing displayed records down to only show the last three rows. You can click show more to see the full record history.

Bulk Costings
You can now bulk set values for entire columns across the costings interface. Click the down arrow in the column header to bulk set the value.

Mileage Exports
Each activity now has a ‘Costings’ spreadsheet which will allow you to export your mileage reports for each vehicle and person at the activity.

Self-Service Repairs Report
We’ve added a self-service report within Intelligence > Reports where you can define filters to your equipment repairs and export the data as spreadsheet or PDF.

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