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Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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10 New Features & Enhancements for D4H Incident Management

The holiday period is just around the corner, and to celebrate it we are launching a considerable number of new features and enhancements for D4H Incident Management.

We’ve got ten new features & enhancements to add effectiveness to your incident management capabilities. These upgrades are designed to increase security, improve situational awareness, and make information more accessible during an incident.

Pinned Log Announcements

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This feature allows users to pin important activity log posts as announcements. Once a log post is pinned as an announcement along the top of the screen, it is displayed prominently to all the users. This message is replaced with the next pinned message or can be dismissed at any time.

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During an incident, users can miss important announcements or pieces of information, or they need to know the latest. To pin a post as an announcement, roll over the post and click the announcement option.

Multiple Tags on Log Posts

You can now manually add tags to a new log post, and add multiple ones too. This will improve log filtering which will display the post against the tagged entity and to people permissioned to that tag.

The ‘tag selector’ allows users to search for an item to use as a tag in a very quick and intuitive way.

Before this update, tags were added automatically by the system for the entity you are viewing. This way of tagging posts had also the limitation of being able to add only a single tag.

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With this new update, users are now able to freely add as many tags as they want straight from the updates log. This feature is very useful for users who rely heavily on tagging to categorize their logs.

Edit Existing Tags

Users with permission may now add or remove the tags associated with an existing post when there is a need to change the tags of a post after it’s created.

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Before this feature, If a post didn’t have any tags or if they were incorrect, there was no way of fixing it. The user had to delete and recreate a post with the correct tags.

Users now have the ability to fix mistakes or more simply to categorize a log post with the appropriate tags after it has been created.

Admin Edit Permission

Users with ‘Manage Channel’ permission are now able to correct other people’s log posts. This is particularly useful for organizations that need an “editor” role, responsible for keeping the log tidy and well categorized.

Before this feature, only the creator of a post could edit it, which made it impossible to have a review process for the log with the goal of improving its accuracy and completeness.

Now organizations can keep their log tidy and well organized, by allowing some of their users to fix typos in the log as well as improving its accuracy and categorization.

Single-Sign-On (SSO) SAML Login

Organizations on our top-tier editions can now log in with their internal credentials rather than the username/password provided by D4H Incident Management.

This new access will show as a new button on the login page. This will allow users of a SAML-enabled organization to log in using their internal credentials.

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Failed Sign-In Account Lock

For security purposes, D4H Incident Management now locks itself after three failed logins attempts. This new feature reduces the chances that an attacker might find a user’s password by trying to guess it, especially if the user has chosen a simple password or one that can be deduced from their information (e.g. birthday, nickname, etc).

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Access can be easily unlocked by an admin. This feature is key is for organizations who want to protect the accounts of their users.

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Import All Personnel Using A Play.

Users have now the ability to auto-import personnel into a play. It allows a user to create a Play in which all personnel that are not already mapped into a Role are automatically imported into the channel.

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Administrators don’t have to manually add all personnel one by one to the Play and more importantly, they don’t need to keep the Play constantly up-to-date when new personnel is added or removed from the organization.

Ability to remove all personnel from a channel

Useful for users who quickly want to rebuild the list of personnel with access to an incident.

Until now, If there were many users in an incident, each person had to be removed one by one. This feature allows you to remove all other users from a channel with just a few clicks.

For example, if an incident gets upgraded to a higher level of confidentiality and therefore it’s required to quickly erase and rebuild the list of personnel who have access to it first.

Turn Off Incident Invite Emails

When a user is added to a channel they automatically get an email. There is now an option to turn on or off this notification.

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Users can have people in the system, with access to all incidents, without sending them emails.

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It’s particularly useful for organizations who need to create incidents frequently and/or want to do it quietly, without alerting all invited users until it’s really necessary.

Search Function On Share-By-Email

Users may now search for a contact’s name/or email when sharing something by email. If there is a long list of contacts in an incident it becomes difficult to manually search and select the people you want to share a status board or form with. With the new search feature, start typing the contact’s name or email to see them appear at the top of the list.

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