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Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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How to Mobilize Response Equipment Quickly

To respond efficiently, organizations must be able to mobilize specialized equipment with their personnel within hours of notification. Everything should be approached with one goal in mind “efficient and rapid response” to incidents.

When you send equipment out of a warehouse, container, or truck, how can you really tell if it’s maintained? As organizations grow, with the addition of new locations, centralized oversight of equipment can weaken. D4H Equipment Management is a fully cloud-based solution that is designed to centralize all of your equipment trackings.

Managing Multiple Locations

Many organizations face the difficulty of managing equipment across multiple locations. These organizations need to know equipment supply levels, conditions, and availability instantly when an incident occurs. The difficulty in tracking this however is that the equipment also needs to be stored in a very specific way to ensure an efficient response. Equipment can be stored in a ready-to-use manner and often packaged in bags or boxes preloaded on trucks or containers.

Organizations often have to move their stockpiles with little notice. Often there will be a robust plan in place so that equipment will be successfully and rapidly deployed. However, due to the pace at which the redeployment is happening the tracking of the equipment being relocated from one location to another can be neglected and difficult to manage using paper-based or spreadsheet methods.

With D4H Equipment Management you can easily update the location of an item when it is deployed to another location or person. Nested contents also mean that moving equipment into another piece of equipment allows for the creation of containers. For example, vehicles can contain equipment or palettes and bags made up of multiple items, allowing you to track and move your equipment effectively.

Tracking Maintenance

Organizations have plans in place to coordinate incident response. The plan brings together the various elements of the response and it should be kept up to date and tested on a regular basis. This plan relies on the fact that equipment is satisfactory, has maintenance plans and recorded history. Many organizations have assigned staff who have the sole responsibility for equipment inspection and ensuring equipment is in a constant state of readiness at each of their stockpiles.

With D4H Equipment Management you can be confident that your equipment’s maintenance schedules are up to date and the items are fully operational. Easily pull up an item’s full service history to ensure all maintenance is up-to-date.

Scheduling Repairs

In order for organizations to respond effectively, there is a need to have an infrastructure that enables them to track and conduct their own repairs as part of incident response. When dealing with large stockpiles of equipment across a number of locations companies can find that the process of scheduling repairs and monitoring work can turn into a complex undertaking if they’re not prepared.

D4H Equipment Management takes the administrative burden away from this process. Maintenance of items of equipment can be identified, actions required documented, and further assigned to individuals. Repairs will be flagged on the assignee’s dashboard and notifications sent by email.


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